Grao pia imeamua ifungue Roho! Following up with the Redcarded leaders last week by @thekhrc on teen pregnancy we want to listen to young people. This is a community space! Dont miss out!
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance Kenya
The SRHR Alliance in Kenya is a coalition of 19 civil society organizations and institutions working to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people and women in Africa, Asia and the Europe. The alliance was first established in the Netherlands in 2010. In Kenya the alliance brings together 17 organizations comprising of Africa Alive (AA) , AMREF Health Africa,Anglican Development Services (ADS) Nyanza ,
"Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights For All."
"To harness strategic partnerships that promote sustainable realization of SRHR for young people, women and marginalized groups that contribute to empowerment and sustainability of communities."
Latest Stories and News
By srhr
3 months ago
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence - Resilience building for our Community Activists
The 2024 Activists Market was a blockbuster, a perfect mix of passion, purpose, and pizzazz! From the resounding laughter echoing through the games to the thought-provoking dialogues on SRHR and GBV, the event was nothing short of transformative. The solidarity was palpable as young people took center stage, not just as participants but as catalysts of change, driving conversations that matter.
By srhr
3 months ago
Too Pressed To Wait
In the face of overwhelming evidence, silence is complicity. Leaders, policymakers, and gatekeepers who sidestep solutions, ignore data, and delay action are not just negligent—they are enabling the loss of young lives. This is why we are raising the red card: to hold them accountable for their inaction in the face of the devastating triple threat—teen pregnancies, HIV infections, and gender-based violence (GBV).
By srhr
11 months ago
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) ,why we need it
Evidence from various studies on the value of comprehensive sexuality education in young people’s lives is very clear and convincing. Over the years, a growing number of governments have committed to delivering Comprehensive Sexuality education and Youth friendly.